Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014


Since the 1960's began to use the wire in the email, in the market many types of e-mail in selling wire, from the UK there SIMS, Essex, Atco Germany, BICC, Iberfil, Sucaco, Hellenic, etc.

Let's try a little strip of wire coating material based on his email.

1 PVF encountered in product Sucaco / supreme, aimed at high-frequency electrical work. has a heat resistance of 105 degrees Celsius.

2 PEW encountered in product Sucaco / supreme and products china, Malaysia, Taiwan. used household electrical work, such as fan, water pump, etc. have a heat resistant 130 degrees Celsius.

3 EIW can be encountered on the product Sucaco / Suprime, ATCO, BICC, Iberfil etc have heat resistant to 180 degrees Celsius. Used for medium industrial motors and generators. applied to the class E and F temperature.

4. PEI At encountered on products Sims, Essex. has a heat resistant 220 degrees Celsius.

5. For the ability to heat above 220 ​​degrees are not using wire email, but use bare wire coated films polyeteline .On meet the high quality electrical machinery products, the temperature class H. applied to electrical engine trains, ships, planes.

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