Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014


Electrical machinery consists of a static machine (transformer) and dynamic engine (motors and generators). In the discussion of this book, which is defined by the electric machine is a generator or a motor.

     Construction motors and generators are essentially the same, and consists of stator (the part that is not moving or stationary), and the rotor (moving parts).
     The working principle of the motor to follow the law left hand × Flamming, ie if the magnetic field generated by the north-south magnetic pole dimotong by a current-carrying conductor wire in line with the four fingers, then there will be the driving force in the direction of the thumb. This force is called the Lorentz force ×, which is equal to F [Newton]. While the generator basically works in accordance with the law right hand × Flamming, ie if a piece of unidirectional current-carrying conductor with four fingers cut the resulting magnetic field north-south pole, it will cause the direction of movement with the thumb.
     Basically there are two kinds of generators, ie generators DC and AC generators. Similarly to the motor, there is a DC motor and AC motor.
     There are two types of DC motors, namely: separate booster motors, and the motor amplifier itself. Motor amplifier itself include: series motor, the shunt motor and compound motor is a combination of series and shunt motor bike. While the generator is basically the same, but that is often used is the type of a separate generator.
     Characteristics of Motor Amplifier Separated: excitation current is independent of the power source voltage dole. Capstan will drop if the moment of torque up.
     Shunt Motor Characteristics: This series shunt motor excitation is parallel to the anchor. Round will go down with rising torque moment. In the no-load condition, the characteristics of a shunt motor is similar to the motor with a separate amplifier.
     Characteristics Motor Series: The series excitation motors mounted in series series against the anchor. Among other types of DC motors, series motors require the greatest moment of starting torque. Things to note, that the motor should not be operated in a series of no-load condition.
     Krarakterisrik Compound Motor. In this motor, the main pole containing series and parallel circuits. In the no-load condition, the nature of such a compound motor has a shunt motor. Mounted on load conditions, with the same torque moment, will come round a little higher.
     Maintenance of electrical machines are generally intended to extend the life of the engine. This can be done through preventative maintenance. For large-scale industrial, maintenance has been regarded as an investment company, so that maintenance issues need to be planned and made ​​specifically systems. Things to do in preventive maintenance include: cleaning the engine of dirt dust, rust, and se-forth; check the cable connection or the connection conductor wire windings, brush charcoal and other connections; checking insulation resistance; checks bearing, shaft, nut-bolts examination, and so on.
     Basic techniques used in the examination of damage electric motors includes:
     1). Test lamp
     2). Current measurement,
     3). Growler, and
     4). Megohmeter.

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