Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014

Roll MOTOR PHASE ONE (Model Meshes)

To roll back a single phase motors, which used the same formula with the formula 3-phase motors (m = 3), only considered two phases (m = 2).
     So that happened two phases, Primary Windings (BU) is made of wire which is greater than the auxilary winding (BB) and the auxiliary winding is connected a capacitor whose value is given.

Entanglement example:

      Single-phase motors, 2 pairs of poles (P = 4, p = 2), The plot 24

Ys = G / 2p = 24/4 = 6
Step entanglement is 1 -7
Q = G / 2 p.m = 24 / 4.2 = 3
Mean number of coils per group is 3.
K = G / 2p = 24/4 = 6
Each pole consists of 6 coils
KAR = 360 / G = 360/24 = 15 radians
The distance between the grooves 15 radians
KAL = KAR .P = 15. 2 = 30 electrical
Kp = 90 / KAL = 90/30 = 3 (1 different phase angle is 90)
If the first phase at the start of the groove 1 (Primary winding), the second phase of the groove to 4 (Auxiliary Windings).

Belitannya list as follows:
I 1-7 II I -------------------- I 4-10 21-15 24-18 II I
AI II 2-8 20-14 5-11 BI ---------------- I a I b II 23-17
I 3-9 II --------------------- 19-13 I I I 6-12 II 22-16

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